SIEM Query Utils

Python SIEM Query Utils nbdev edition


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Below is how to install in a plain python 3.11+ environment

pip install nbdev-squ

The installation can also be run in a notebook (we tend to use JupyterLab Desktop for local dev). The SQU_CONFIG env var indicates to nbdev_squ it should load the json secret squconfig-my_keyvault_tenantid from the my_kevault_name keyvault.

%pip install nbdev-squ
import os; os.environ["SQU_CONFIG"] = "{{ my_keyvault_name }}/{{ my_keyvault_tenantid }}" 

from nbdev_squ import api
# do cool notebook stuff with api

Security considerations

The contents of the keyvault secret are loaded into memory and cached in the user_cache_dir which should be a temporary secure directory restricted to the single user. Please ensure that the system this library is used on disallows access and/or logging of the user cache directory to external locations, and is on an encrypted disk (a common approach is to use isolated VMs and workstations for sensitive activities).

How to use

Note: If you create/use a Github Codespace on any of the wagov repos, SQU_CONFIG should be configured automatically.

Before using, config needs to be loaded into nbdev_squ.core.cache, which can be done automatically from json in a keyvault by setting the env var SQU_CONFIG to "keyvault/tenantid".

export SQU_CONFIG="{{ keyvault }}/{{ tenantid }}"

Can be done in python before import from nbdev_squ as well:

import os; os.environ["SQU_CONFIG"] = "{{ keyvault }}/{{ tenantid }}"
from nbdev_squ import api
import io, pandas

# Load workspace info from datalake blob storage
df = api.list_workspaces(fmt="df"); print(df.shape)

# Load workspace info from introspection of azure graph
df = api.list_securityinsights(); print(df.shape)

# Kusto query to Sentinel workspaces via Azure Lighthouse
df = api.query_all("SecurityIncident | take 20", fmt="df"); print(df.shape)

# Kusto queries to Sentinel workspaces via Azure Lighthouse (batches up to 100 queries at a time)
df = api.query_all(["SecurityAlert | take 20" for a in range(10)]); print(df.shape)

# Kusto query to ADX
#df = api.adxtable2df(api.adx_query("kusto query | take 20"))

# General azure cli cmd
api.azcli(["config", "set", "extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt"])
print(len(api.azcli(["account", "list"])))

# Various pre-configured api clients

# RunZero
response = api.clients.runzero.get("/export/org/assets.csv", params={"search": "has_public:t AND alive:t AND (protocol:rdp OR protocol:vnc OR protocol:teamviewer OR protocol:telnet OR protocol:ftp)"})

# Jira
pandas.json_normalize(api.clients.jira.jql("updated > -1d")["issues"]).head(10)

# AbuseIPDB

# TenableIO
badips_df = api.query_all("""
| where Classification == "TruePositive"
| mv-expand AlertIds
| project tostring(AlertIds)
| join SecurityAlert on $left.AlertIds == $right.SystemAlertId
| mv-expand todynamic(Entities)
| project Entities.Address
| where isnotempty(Entities_Address)
| distinct tostring(Entities_Address)
""", timespan=pandas.Timedelta("45d"))
df = api.query_all("find where ClientIP startswith '172.16.' | evaluate bag_unpack(pack_) | take 40000")
df = api.query_all("""union withsource="_table" *
| extend _ingestion_time_bin = bin(ingestion_time(), 1h)
| summarize take_any(*) by _table, _ingestion_time_bin
| project pack=pack_all(true)""")
import json

Secrets template

The below json can be used as a template for saving your own json into my_keyvault_name/squconfig-my_keyvault_tenantid to use with this library:

  "config_version": "20240101 - added ??? access details",
  "datalake_blob_prefix": "https://???/???",
  "datalake_subscription": "???",
  "datalake_account": "???",
  "datalake_container": "???",
  "kql_baseurl": "",
  "azure_dataexplorer": "https://???.???",
  "tenant_id": "???",
  "jira_url": "https://???",
  "jira_username": "???@???",
  "jira_password": "???",
  "runzero_apitoken": "???",
  "abuseipdb_api_key": "???",
  "tenable_access_key": "???",
  "tenable_secret_key": "???",